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Songs from the Shed

All Summer Long

We have teamed up this year with the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition (OMIC) to fill our shed with music for the summer and fall months! Songs from the Shed is a concert series that will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30am-1pm, June 6th through October 12th 2023. Come enjoy Sparks Street and listen to the amazing singer/songwriters!

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Les mardis et jeudis
De 12 h à 14 h


Amenez votre repas, et laissez vos téléphones à la maison! Vos musiciens favoris d’Ottawa prennent d’assaut les lieux pour y jouer certaines de vos chansons préférées et quelques-unes de leurs propres compositions.

September 2023 Performers

August 2023 Performers

July 2023 Performers

June 2023 Performers

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